
Homemade Mustard Recipe

Homemade Mustard Recipe
Have you ever read the ingredients list on a mustard? Quite possibly not. For example these are the ingredients of a famous mustard: water, mustard seeds, vinegar, salt, citric acid, sulphur dioxide
I hope I have convinced you to leave the jar on the shelf of the supermarket, also because it is really, really easy to make.
Mustard is a condiment of a thousand faces. Vinegar is often used, but also wine, beer, water are used to moisten the seeds. Sweetness is usually achieved by adding honey.
Grind some mustard seeds, mix with mustard powder and some liquid and you’re done. Endless variations exist. Change the liquid and you change the mustard. Grind the mustard seeds a lot or a little and you change the texture — or skip the whole seeds altogether and use just mustard powder. Or skip the powder and just use seeds.
I use only mustard powder and this is my recipe, try it!

Ingredients (servings: 1)

  • 1 tablespoon of mustard powder
  • 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon of water
  • 1/2 teaspoon of honey
  • 1 teaspoon of vegetal oil
  • pinch of salt
Put and mix all ingrendients in a cup. Put into a glass jar and store in the fridge. Wait at least 12 hours before using.
Your mustard is ready!
How to store: Seeds can be stored up to a year in a dry, dark place; and powdered mustard for about six months. The mustard will keep for up to 6 months refrigerated


  1. Never thought about checking the mustard label. My father used to make mustard with mustard powder and tea. The tea had milk added but I am going to try it with almond milk.
